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Two major metrics for packaging machinery: packaging efficiency and packaging compatibility
发布日期:2019-4-10 16:13:00 点击数:3111新闻来源:

Packaging efficiency and packaging compatibility are indicators of how people measure the technological content of packaging machinery. It is also the most frequently considered issue for customers when choosing packaging equipment products.

And by the end of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", the output value of the domestic packaging industry is expected to reach 600 billion yuan. However, some experts predict that in the future, China's packaging industry will have excessive long-term overcapacity, excessive dependence on energy and resource consumption, weak independent innovation capability, weak enterprise competitiveness, and disproportionate industrial scale and economic benefits. Extending the packaging industry chain, deepening the packaging industry, optimizing the industrial structure, and enhancing the capacity for independent innovation will be the development trend of the packaging industry in the future.

The increase in the market demand for packaging machinery and equipment has greatly stimulated the technological upgrading of the industry. The new packaging model with intelligent and automatic functions will gradually replace the tradition into the mainstream of the future. This is an effective way for packaging machinery companies to achieve sustainable development and is the ultimate goal of their technological reform.

At present, the domestic packaging machinery industry still has problems such as single machine automation, poor stability and reliability, unsightly appearance and short life, etc. It is the competition of domestic equipment in the import packaging equipment.

Packaging machinery requires a high degree of flexibility and flexibility, and the production line allows the size of the package to vary within a certain size range. Because the life cycle of the product is much shorter than the service life of the equipment, changing the product and packaging does not replace the expensive packaging production line. The market is driven by the requirements of customers as the source of market development, and the market for packaging machinery is no exception. Nowadays, the development of packaging and food machinery in the world is aimed at the requirements of major customers and drives the development of related machinery.

As a professional packaging machine manufacturer in China, Wenzhou Zhike Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. is guided by the principle of “Unity, One Heart, One Piece of Broken Gold, Zhike Packaging, Yongchuang Brilliance”. With the core of continuously improving product quality, we constantly develop and continuously improve various types of packaging machines. The Zhike packaging machine is widely used in various environments and high-performance packaging machines of various product types. Many small manufacturers in the market in order to reduce costs, as long as the equipment can run, sell out such a goal to operate the sales of the machine, I want to cut the way to reduce the amount of material to shoddy. The prices of electrical brands and miscellaneous brands vary greatly, and a machine can even be more than 10,000 yuan. Therefore, many small factories use the brand-name electrical components to load the packaging machine. It is conceivable that such a machine, after running for a period of time, is prone to quality problems, electrical damage, and even personal threats. Customer first, reform and innovation, Zhike Machinery, packaging machine, 5 years of invention patents, 11 utility model patents, every scientific and technological innovation, is the result of the innovation of the Zhike team. Choose Zhike and choose a quality packaging machine. For more information: 188-6775-8666.

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